Creed Text Alerts {Fragrance News}

The house of Creed have announced that they have set up a new text-alert service to respond more efficiently to the numerous queries emanating from their fan base. According to the press release,...
"We are pleased to announce that it's now possible to sign up for CREED text message alerts that offer news about CREED in the U.S. We developed this capability in response to the strong and ever-growing number ofinquiries we receive from CREED's devoted clients and potential clients in the U.S. Clients and potential clients can sign up by texting CREED to 25827. They will then receive occasional text messages from CREED North America with information about new CREED products, visits to the U.S. by the CREED family and other CREED news.
Standard text message rates apply.
The sign up information is posted today on the Contact page of"
You can read our reviews of Creed fragrances: Love in Black, Virgin Island Water, Spring Flower, Orange Spice