Everyone Has a Fragrance, Even Hollyoaks! + Am I Normal? Body Odour (2008) {New Perfume} {Celebrity Fragrance}

Hollyoaks-Perfume.jpgI am not sure I need to smell this one but it is so fun to see everyone and their neighbors getting to deh-ve-lo-peh a perfume that I couldn't resist posting about Hollyoaks by Hollyoaks, the new indispensable fragrance for soap opera fans...

If you have no idea who they are, we're in the same boat. But they have an entry in Wikipedia and we learn that they are the fourth most watched soap in Great Britain after Emmerdale, Coronation Street and East Enders. All the drama takes place in Hollyoaks Community College, hence the name of the series.

You can savior a bit the atmopshere by reading the beginning of the explanation for what happened last week, and then stop because it's unhealthy: "CALVIN is filled with guilt about his dodgy dealings on his wedding day to Carmel..." ??? What, he had the time?

According to the always classy Sun "...the ladies' pong is "a blend of sugared apple, white chocolate and sweet musk notes".

But wait, the Hollyoaks crew was already interested in smells even before they released a perfume. Hollyoaks' actors are doing their bits and regularly called upon to talk about teenagers' issues with Dr. Dawn Harper in the educational series Am I Normal? They discuss Acne, After Sex and here's one that is relevant to this blog, Am I Normal, Body Odour which shows some common reactions to the problem and dispenses advice at the same time (images of nudity in a medical context, don't watch if you're sensitive)

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