Atypical Research on Air Fresheners {Fragrant Reading}

"Traditionally, air fresheners have tried to cover bad smells with a blanket of stronger but more tolerable ones. IFF believes that by charting the chemical properties of select odors, it can make the fight more focused. The idea is to assail an offending molecule with a fragrance--included in a cleaning product, for example, or an air freshener--that can counter or cover it.(...)
Next, an extreme tobacco addiction is heartily sought out, found, and embraced,...
"A home in nearby Laurence Harbor also yielded rich results. Nodding at the nicotine-stained walls, roommates Dorothy Holliday and Tonya Williams say they have smoked at least three packs a day inside their small house for the past nine years. The pair had planned to paint the walls beige to better camouflage the nicotine, but they say they held off after IFF tapped them for its smell study. Ms. Holliday says she got about $200 for participating.
Dragging at a menthol cigarette as IFF scientists held their probes aloft, Ms. Holliday says she doesn't mind that her home attracted malodor researchers. "I'm helping science," she says.
Mr. Payne, his eyes watering as he took samples, was elated. The concentration of smoke in the air, he said, would help him build a better tobacco model. "That was a gold mine, scientifically speaking," he said."