I Profumi Di Firenze Essendo (2006): Another Homage (A Lost One) to Patrick Suskind {Perfume History & Facts}

When the movie Perfume came out in 2006 (see our movie review), one knew that Thierry Mugler had been concocting an ambitious project, that of translating Patrick Süskind's narrative into real perfumes created by perfumers Christophe Laudamiel and Christophe Hornetz. The Mugler coffret, with its 15 scents (see also First Impressions on the Thierry Mugler Coffret), was the talk of the town towards the end of 2006 (and I have yet to review it fully although I will eventually get there, if only to recapture that highly exciting period of discovery)...
Online information is scant. It is called in Italian Essendo (Being) and is described in beautifully-sounding Italian on their site in a very short video (which has been removed since the last time I visited) that offers only a very vague mellifluous description of the scent. It is not listed in their current catalog as it was a limited-edition created for the Taiwanese market.
"The perfume ESSENDO has been specifically created for the movie PERFUME issued by 20th Century Fox in december 2006 in Taiwan: a great cooperation between the big international movie company and a master Italian perfumer artisan, to create a unique link between arts so far from each other: the cinema and the high end perfumery." (Alibaba)
But it is still interesting to know of this endeavor. If I manage to find more information about it, I will certainly let you know (but it looks like the brand does not want to let filtrate more information (cf. swift video and visuals removal). It might have to do with copyrights as Süskind famously was very difficult to soften in this regard.
I have also another surprise linked to Perfume that I have been meaning to write about for a while but got sidetracked. Stay tuned!