Le Bristol Paris in Scented Form (2008) {New Perfume}

In the 21st century what will probably take place more and more and has already started to concretize is the olfactory design of public and private spaces. The movement has to do with the realization that scents are not just pleasant additions to your surroundings but that they contribute in meaningful ways to anchoring further a place for its inhabitants and adding an invisible yet soon-to-be indispensable dimension to the architectures in which we live. If the future will be much more sophisticated, we can imagine, the present has started to look like that future, for example, under the guise of olfactory branding.
Hotel Le Bristol Paris has asked perfumer Jean-Michel Duriez, the in-house nose for Patou and now Rochas to create scent interpretations of the place. After undergoing a visual renovation in 2004, Le Bristol thought it was time to offer themselves and their clientele a new olfactory identity...

Le Bristol
"Ce parfum est un équilibre né d'un paradoxe, à l'image de l'Hôtel Le Bristol Paris.
J'ai voulu faire ressortir la dualité qui existe entre la fraîcheur engendrée par le jardin,
et la chaleur, générée par la décoration des lieux, l'atmosphère, les êtres humains.
La note de tête de la fragrance que j'ai créée révèle cette idée de fraîcheur, de grandeur,
l'aspect vivant, pétillant et naturel de l'Hôtel Le Bristol Paris.
La note de fond fait référence à cette demeure chargée d'histoire, dans laquelle tous les
meubles, tapisseries et lampes sont de véritables pièces d'époque. Les bois de Guaïac,
de Santal et de Bouleau laissent place à l'idée d'élégance et de raffinement subtiles et
"This perfume offers a sense of balance borne out of a paradox, in the likeness of Le Bristol Hotel Paris. I wanted to underscore the duality that exists between the freshness generated by the garden and the warmth generated by the interior decoration, the atmosphere, the human beings. The head note of the fragrance I created reveals this idea of freshness, the grandeur, the lively dimension, the sparkle and the naturalness of Le Bristol Hotel Paris.
The base note is a reference to this residence charged with history, in which all the furniture, tapestries and lamps are genuine antiques. The Gaïac wood, sandalwood and birch create an impression of elegance as well as non-ostentatious and subtle refinement."
Each item is priced at 30 € and available in the hotel lobby.
Via press release
Bristol Hotel view: Business Week