Odore Di Femmina by Johan Creten {Perfume History & Facts}

Odore di Femmina by Johan Creten
This is a picture of a female torso in ceramic called Odore di Femmina created by Johan Creten while he was artist in residence at the Manufacture Nationale de Sèvres. It was meant to be an illustration of the perfume by the same name created by perfumer Françoise Caron for the 2007 exhibition Essences Insensées...
You can go here for more party pictures of that exhibition as well as to see other artifacts and fashion designs inspired by the scents.
Creten has actually done a series of Odore di Femmina sculptures. The rose petals or organic matter on the feminine torsos resemble deliquescent vulvas. As the artist stressed in an interview those bodies often hurt when they are carried around...how Freudian!