Mitsouko Fleur de Lotus: A Hit {Fragrance News}

Mitsouko Fleur de Lotus.jpg
Mitsouko Fleur de Lotus

Although some people expressed misgivings regarding the creation of a new flanker to the classic Mitsouko by Guerlain (1919), titled Mitsouko Fleur de Lotus, featuring an all-too-audacious aquatic floral note, the field report is that the new aqua blue impersonation of the famous perfume did not wait for the recognition of critics to fly off the shelves of the flagship Guerlain boutique in Paris. And this, in a matter of just a few days...

The fragrance reportedly landed almost by accident in the Parisian boutique on the prestigious avenue des Champs-Elysées as it was not supposed to be sold through that channel nor even in France for that matter. "Mitsouko Fleur de Lotus was primarily intended for the Asian market" per the boutique confirming an earlier press communication from Guerlain to TSS, which even singled out the Japanese market.

Happenstance delivered 40 bottles of the limited-edition perfume and they are now all gone. The boutique might get some more flacons in, with a stress on "might". A waiting-list has been opened.

We hope that they won't be able to resist the pressure of success and make it more widely available.

Pic via The Beauty Alchemist

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