Ancestors of Betsey Johnson EDP Bottle {Perfume History & Facts}

Spotted a genealogical link between a set of three perfume bottles from the 1950s and the distinctive Betsey Johnson EDP issued in 2006. The Betsey Johnson stopper is not 100% identical but very much inspired by their forerunners similarly made out of bright plastic. The glass flacon is also a copy with a twist.
I think we have found the lost grand-mothers of the more recent Betsey Johnson Eau de Parfum. The 50s bottles do not seem to come from a famous brand. They must thus for this reason as well be reproductions of more ancient flacons as one would doubt that they would have had the resources to do original research and design.
My guess is that they are cheap but cute imitations of Art Deco Czech perfume flacons.
Any clues welcome!
i love Betsey Johnson.
My mom who was born in 1945 recently showed me two vintage bottles one of which she recieved in grammer school from a friend another she bought later in life and if course she had to buy betsey johnsons new version. hers has an identical top to the new version but red however neither retro bottles have a name does any know what they are called? thanx