Francois Coty: Fragrance, Power, Money (2009) {Fragrant Reading - New Book}

There have been several books on Coty but this one seems to be less of a coffee-table book and more in the vein of the historical study François Coty, un industriel corse sous la IIIème République by Ghislaine Siccard-Picchiottino....
What started out as a project focusing on the history of fragrance ended up as more of a comprehensive biographical overview of an exceptional figure. Anecdotes too, seem to abound on his flamboyant lifestyle,
"It was supposed to be mostly about perfume," Toledano said. "As it turned out, it was a little bit about perfume, a great deal about France's most important businessman, architecture, philanthropy, collecting, mistresses and on and on and on."
Read more in the Daily Progress...