IFRA Seminar: The Pros & Cons of Modern Fragrance, March 31st, 2009, Brussels {Fragrance News}

IFRA is organizing a seminar entitled "A Choice Worth Making? The pros & cons of modern fragrance", to be held in Brussels on March 31st, 2009:
09:30hrs Welcome coffee
10:00hrs Introduction - Jean-Pierre Houri, IFRA Director General
10:15hrs Scents and their Psychophysiological Effects - Professor Tim Jacob,
10:45hrs Life Without Smell - Anosmia and its Effects: Steve Van Toller, University of
11:15hrs Coffee
11:30hrs Perfume Sensations & Sensitization - Olivia Bordalo, Centro Dematalogia, Lisbon, Portugal
12:00hrs Fragrance in the Marketing Mix, why and how fragrance is used in everyday products - Allan McRitchie, Perfumer
12:30hrs The meaning of scents for life - Christophe Laudamiel, Perfumer - TBC
13:00hrs Panel debate: All speakers will participate in a panel debate: Fragrance Use - Pros and Cons - is it a choice worth making?
13:30hrs Close followed by a buffet lunch
Location: Stanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce, 9, 1000
Read more at IFRA