Kate Moss's Shoot in Paris for New Yves Saint Laurent Perfume {Fragrance News - News Bites}

"Early last week, the supermodel did a shoot in Place de la Concorde for a future women's fragrance for Yves Saint Laurent, wearing looks from Stefano Pilati's pre-fall collection for YSL."More (non-photoshoped) pictures at Hot Celebs...

{Moss is holding a rose, Eiffel Tower in the back}
mmm... well this is the classical pose of PARIS -the fragrance-!
, maybe a new version or campaign are coming up for PARIS!?
I don't know actually. It could be. WWD said it was a new women's perfume, so it's theoretically possible it could be a Paris flanker, if their information is correct. At the same time, I think they'd hire Kate Moss for something, perhaps, newer. I'm in the dark here.
On dirait que Kate s'est un peu remplumée. Tant mieux dans un sens, avant elle était un peu trop skinny.
Ce qui me frappe surtout c'est que les photos n'ont pas été retouchées. On a donc droit à une vision plus réaliste de la belle.