PSA about Underage Drinking: Alcoholic Beverages Try To Look Like Perfume Bottles {Cultural Notes}

The ban on underage drinking in the US has turned it into a veritable rite of passage for college students, and seemingly at times into a national sport. Organized Spring breaks in Cancun allow for unfettered alcohol consumption.
Reportedly, and purposefully or not, spirits brands are designing the bottles of some of their alcohols very much in the likeness of a fragrance bottle thus "helping" even younger teenagers left behind on the home front to escape parental scrutiny...
According to the Fort Mills Times,
"Parents be warned: That bottle of perfume or cologne atop your daughter's or son's dresser might really be an adult beverage.
"The look and packaging of alcohol has drastically changed," said Corree Carelock, Keystone Substance Services' alcohol enforcement team coordinator. "Some bottles resemble cologne or perfume. Others are pocket-size versions of popular brands of alcohol."
Read more: Parents Don't Be Fooled by Disguised Booze
Newly designed liquor bottles that resemble perfume containers are very tricky indeed. Parents can be easily deceived by these stuff. But if in case their child may be involved in alcoholism, then the parents need not worry because there are rehab center treatments, which can help the child recover.