Nivea Creme On Your Dry Ends

Everybody knows Nivea Creme, the legendary cream created in 1911 by Dr. Oskar Troplowitz in Hamburg, and almost everyone loves it since it sells at the rate of about 10,000 tons a year.
But what do people do with it? We all know the usual drill: face, neck, elbows, knees, feet...everywhere where the skin is dry and in need of a quick fix...
A vintage ad from the 1950s on the left: "against dry skin" (and the elements).
It's also a convenient way to travel with a hair conditioning cream and constitutes one more reason to call Nivea an all-purpose cream.
If you want to buy the original German formulation as opposed to the one sold in the US drugstores which is made in Mexico, you can find the "authentic German Nivea" at Small Flower for $6,95.