A Few Yards of Dental Floss Whimsy: Breakfast Floss & Bacon Floss {Perfume Shopping Tip}

bacon-breakfast-floss.jpgAre you tired of your oh-so boring minty dental floss and want to try something new? Why not go for the breakfast breath effect? The comforting scent of an English breakfast has been reproduced in a set of 3 dental flosses called Breakfast Floss. It includes the scents of coffee, waffle, and bacon. Kids might love the waffle one. For those women who know that bacon is the favorite scent of their love interest, don't hesitate to get help from Bacon Floss to amp up the romantic atmosphere around you.

They are now available at Urban Outfitters both the set and the individual floss for $4.99 each (on sale).

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