Who is Parisienne? -- Qui est Parisienne? by YSL

Yves Saint Laurent is inviting you to count the days before their major feminine fragrance launch fronted by Kate Moss, Parisienne. You might be twirling your toes on the beach or taking it slow but meanwhile it doesn't mean glamor is taking a rest. So today is J-14 in the Parisienne calendar...
In the real Parisian calendar the city is looking more and more like it's all yours for the taking. Some life will return to its weary veins after the mid-point of August, and then barely so. It is hard to completely grasp from the US shores -- I know because I have lived under both general conditions -- but Parisians do not hesitate to mention a "rentrée", like a period after Labor Day, as late as in October and I think I might even have heard it in early to mid-November. Yes, you won't see sacred cows on the streets of Paris, but vacations are oh-so sacred.
So, this Parisienne is not on holiday. You can watch a teaser for the commercial here with the tag line: "Warning: some scenes may provoke STRONG EMOTIONS!"
Who is Parisienne?