Miss Oops Rescue Sponge {Beauty Shopping Notes - On-The-Go Beauty}

Miss Oops has apparently designed the beauty version of Mr Clean Magic Eraser, that most indispensable house-cleaning tool, and in this case you don't even need to be near a water source.
Troubled by slight mishaps while on the go like deodorant marks and makeup powder transfering onto your clothes? You can try one of these feminine-looking flower-shaped red sponges which have a patent pending and as suggested, dry erase them...
The brand does not mention lipstick or sunscreen stains, but hopefully, it works for them too.
"Deodorant marks on your clothes? Make-up powder on your collar? No problem, you've got Miss Oops Rescue Sponges. No need to wet your clothes, just briskly rub the dry sponge against the offending mark and watch it disappear. The patent-pending sponge comes two to a pack and are reusable. Safe to use on all fabrics."The Rescue Sponge is priced at $10 and available here.