Jimmy Choo Perfumes Back in the Race {Fragrance News}

After announcing in June 2007 that the Jimmy Choo brand was planning to launch a feminine fragrance in the spring of 2009 with Selective Beauty, the project seemed to have stalled. Yesterday, Jimmy Choo announced that they have signed a new agreement and will now develop fragrances with Inter Parfums SA over a period of 12 years from January 1, 2010...
"It has always been my vision to fully accessorize the woman, and fragrance is an integral part of the modern wardrobe," said Tamara Mellon, Jimmy Choo's founder and president. "Through the association with Inter Parfums, I look forward to bringing this important aspect of my vision to life."
When you look at old fashion brands from the past, you realize how much perfume is important to carrying on their names. It is those labels that had a wider reach through fragrances that still sound familiar today.
Jimmy Choo will also be widening its reach at H & M this fall.
Photo credit: Jimmy Choo