New Book on Chanel No.5 {Fragrant Readings}

There are not many perfumes in the world that can pretend to having a monograph dedicated to their sole trajectory but Chanel No. 5 is preeminently it.
Author François Ternon has written Histoire du No.5 de Chanel: un numéro intemporel (A History of Chanel No. 5: a timeless number), Les Editions Normant, 224 p, Nantes. He is a former typographer and nurse who did a master's thesis on the perfume which is the world's #1 bestseller. He became a member of the Société Française des Parfumeurs based on this research and has now published a book relating the history of the perfume incorporating new materials...
Ternon had privileged access to documents from the house of Chanel and the Société Française des Parfumeurs.
The author reportedly asks questions about the reasons for the enduring success of the perfume (like the massive advertising campaigns?). He also more largely explains the notion of quality at Chanel (he is a Chanel collector). Finally, there is a practical section in the book where the author explains how to best choose, buy, keep and use perfume.
The book was introduced in October 2009 and is priced at 18,53 €.
Since this is a topic which I am sure is dear to many hearts, I will review the book which I believe is currently only available in French.