Jovan Black Musk for Women & Men (2009): It's What Attracts {New Perfumes}

Musk addicts can now try a new duo of musk scents by Jovan called Black Musk for Women and Black Musk for Men. The original Jovan Musk was marketed by Bernard Mitchell and Barry Shipp in 1972 and still screams of the 1970s. It was inspired by youth perfume-street-wear in Greenwich Village at the time. The scent was followed by Jovan White Musk in the 1990s, the decade of transparent perfumes showing its influence. Will Black Musk herald an era of deeper fragrances?...
About the feminine version,
"Mysterious. Sexy. Sensual. Jovan Black Musk Women works with your body chemistry to create a dangerously sexy, seductive scent. Enticing and floral. Indulgent and warm.Available in 3.25 and 2.0 fl oz spray cologne concentrate
It's what attracts."
About the masculine version,
"Mysterious. Sexy. Sensual. Masculine to the core, Jovan Black Musk Men is a potent fragrance for the mysterious men - dark, daring and dangerously seductive.Available in 4.0 fl oz. after-shave and 3.0 fl oz cologne spray
It's what attracts."
You can watch 1980s Jovan Musk commercials here
i have used jovan products for over 25 years and love the smell more recently i have been using the black musk range for men which i really like unfortunatly when i use it when i am at work staff have made allegations that i smell of alcohol witch i find very strange and this has caused me a deal of embarrassment as i am a non drinker could you heip me if you have any other instances of this
There might be a rum-like, ambery note. It might have to do with your chemistry. If you like musk, why not try an oil-based one in case that might help with the alcohol nuance? There are a number of those and they will play out more or less well on your skin, so you will need to test them.