Paris Hilton Sultry Santa Pitches Siren {Perfume Images & Adverts} {Celebrity Fragrance}

Paris Hilton visited Macy's in Glendale, California on December 3, 2009 to help boost the sales of her latest fragrance Siren. Always ready for a change of persona and ever the savvy attention-getter she donned a sexy Santa suit.
Even if it's a far cry from the gilded siren imagery of the original advert, it's still about Paris Hilton's chameleon ability to re-invent her appearance and make a photo call worthwhile for everyone onlooking.
A siren sometimes has to let her inner naughty elf come out...

You know you want this fragrance

Ta-da! Here's my spin on an old idea that needed a little refreshing, which made me think: draftier! shorter! no hat! no beard! green stockings! no! black stockings!!!
I know, there is no logical connection between Santa Claus and a siren except in my imagination, but what the heck, I thought I would make it work. It's actually working.
This perfume, I just want to smooch, smooch it. It actually sometimes talk back to me. My only friend.

Why yes, I most certainly can still do the can can. Haven't forgotten one minute of my training at the Moulin Rouge
All righty, so long folks! I have to bring cheer to other homes in need of Holidays gift ideas. And don't forget to ask the real Santa to put a little bottle of Siren under that Christmas tree.

Why yes, I most certainly can still do the can can. Haven't forgotten one minute of my training at the Moulin Rouge