Serge Lutens Muscs Koublai Khan Pocket-Sized + Chergui Miniature GWP {Shopping Tip}

"Le singulier pluriel
... raffinement, cruauté, complexité des sens dans leurs contradiction, Koublaï Khän, Grand Mongol, Empereur de Chine.
Dans son palais, ce fils du ciel fit élever une colline au sommet de laquelle, se dressait un pavillon de contemplation en laque et jade...
Please see after the jump my translation of Lutens's story around this scent inspired by a vision of Gengis Khan...
Le sol recouvert d'un sable brillant issu de malachite et de lapis-lazuli... une mousse minérale.
"L'aura ondoyante et sensuelle d'un musc animal"
"The plural singular
refinement, cruelty, complexity of the senses in their contradiction, Koublaï Khan, great Mongol, emperor of China.
In his palace, this son of heaven had a hill built at the top of which a pavilion of meditation in jade and lacquer stood
The floor was covered by a shimmering sand of malachite and lapis-lazuli...a mineral moss.
The swaying sensual aura of an animalic musk"
Notes: vegetal musk, gray amber, vanilla and roses from Morocco.
If you purchase a flacon (95€), you will receive a free miniature of Chergui as a GWP.
Available at for Europe. Please note that in 2010, US customers will be able to order online from the site.
Arielle Dombasle who is currently the face of La Prairie Life Threads fragrances is a known devotee of the perfume as she revealed in a 2007 interview.