Chanel No5 Retrospective IV + Chanel No19: 2 Paintings by Wang Guangyi {Perfume Images & Adverts}

Chanel No 5-Wang-Guangyi.jpg

I have been keeping track of some recent art on Chanel No5. Here is another Chinese example (see ceramics here) of the ease with which this symbol can be displaced and still be recognizable and arguably meaningful to people who come across such a painting...

A work by Wang Guangyi mixes elements of Maoist propaganda art from the Cultural Revolution period with Western advertising culture cues.


It's hard to tell just from the painting whether this is a critique of a totalitarian system and capitalism at the same time - a statement about their affinities - or simply giving in to the temptation of a decorative visual effect with great commercial impact (art needs to sell), which moreover seems inspired by the colors of the golden arches of McDonald (for Chanel No5).

I think I could entitle the Chanel No5 painting "The manufacturing of 'Happiness'."

Then the Chanel No19 lithograph could be called "Revolutionary Fervor: Don't Mess with Our Chanel No19 or We'll Stop being 'Nice'."

Via openmediaboston; mbergerart

More Chanel No5 Retrospectives:

Chanel No5 Retrospective

Sem Makes Fun of Coco Chanel

Salvador Dali Appears on a Flacon of Chanel No5

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