Fragrance & Flavor Regulatory and Advocacy Bodies Decide to Specialize and Become Or/Or Experts {Fragrance News}

IFRA (International Fragrance Organization) & EFFA (European Flavour and Fragrance Association) as of January 1st, 2010 will be now specializing in fragrance regulations & advocacy and flavor regulations & advocacy respectively. At the EFFA General assembly held on December 2, 2009 it was voted that the fragrance branch of EFFA would be transferred to IFRA....
"...the EFFA General Assembly voted to transfer their regulatory and advocacy activities for the fragrance industry to a European Affairs Department to be created within the Brussels-based International Fragrance Association (IFRA) as of the 1st January 2010.The motivation behind the change is the need for sharper specialisation at a time of increasingly difficult challenges facing the fragrance industry." [...]
"The scope of EFFA will change," said Christian Salomon, President of EFFA. "The membership felt that both sectors, flavours and fragrance, would be better served by dedicated association teams specialising in each area."