Galilu Olfactory Perfumery is the Nec Plus Ultra & not just in Varsaw {Scented Paths & Fragrant Addresses}

Varsaw appears to be at the forefront of thinking on convivial perfumeries. Polish architect Marcin Kwietowicz created a perfumery enclave in the capital city of Poland which is atypical of most modern perfume shopping experience...

In fact the project here starts with the premice that Galilu Olfactory Perfumery is a "shopping-by-the-way" experience. To drive the point, the cash register is hidden away on purpose.
The main reason I wanted to show you this place is that I finally found an element of my ideal perfumery: it proposes chairs so that you can sit down and focus on the aromas in a relaxed fashion. Those are not makeup chairs, the stools you find at the Sephoras of the world, they are perfume-lover chairs. You could even put your elbows on the table.
I'd actually very much appreciate also individual cabins so that I can concentrate further. The option of a foot mirror would be great so that I can see if the perfume goes well with my outfit or look. This is commonly done for clothing shops, why not do it for perfume? A perfume bottle is on average more expensive than a tee-shirt, so think about it.

More pictures at [Dezeen]