Gold Medalist Hannah Kearney in the Perfume & Flavor News Too {Fragrance News} {Celebrity Scents}

Hannah Kearney, who is well-known for her trademark pigtails with flowers stuck in them, won the gold medal in Freestyle Skiing yesterday at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. She is the first US gold medal of the games.
Two more reasons to pay attention to her on the blog is that Hanae Mori have announced they are sending her a flacon of their upcoming No.1, an energy-saving, green-minded perfume while Ben and Jerry are considering creating a flavor named after her in response to her own request...

Often photographied with her nose in a bouquet of flowers, it looks like Kearney is particularly sensitive to aromas and flavors.
She lives in Norwich, Vermont and suggested a coffee flavor with Oreos cookies be named after her in exchange for her full commitment to tasting the new flavor in the making. Another Olympian and Vermont native Hannah Teter had the Hannah Teter's Maple Blondie recently created for her by Ben and Jerry.
Hanae Mori said,
"Hanae Mori Parfums will send premier bottles of No. 1 to
women from the U.S., France and Japan
who win gold medals at the 2010 Winter Olympics underway in Vancouver.
These countries were chosen because of their association with the
legendary Madame Hanae Mori, Japan's
first female fashion designer to conquer the runways of Paris
and New York (and Japan's most powerful businesswoman
in any industry). Hanae Mori was awarded the Legion of Honor medal
from the President of France and is a member of France's haute couture
syndicate. Hanae Mori Parfums are made in France. Hanae Mori anchored
her business for many years in the U.S.,
in a boutique on Park Avenue in New
And finally, here is the explanation to her signature look,
"She is known for wearing her hair in braids with flowers woven in. She then pulls the braids through her helmet so that they stick out in the back. She began doing it as a child to ensure people knew she was a girl under her helmet.
"It just became my signature look," she told before the Games. "I don't know. That's just what I like to do with my hair. So it's still going. I haven't outgrown it yet. I'm 23 years old and still wearing pigtails."