In Canada, Perfume Intolerance Mounts in Public Spaces, Honolulu Agrees and The Stinky Bus Trope in Pop Culture {The 5th Sense in the News}

There have been on and off reports about mounting intolerance towards perfume-wearing in public spaces, a phenomenon which seems more typical of the USA and particularly acute in Canada. Either industrialists will have to improve fragrance formulae to make them asthma-proof or protocols of civility will need to be established to avoid the situation encountered by a woman wearing Opium in Saskatoon who got ousted from her commute bus. And consider this, now transit buses will be defined as "scent-free workplaces,"...
"Dwornik first got whiff of a problem about her perfume -- Opium by Yves Saint Laurent -- last September when the bus driver complained to managers. [...]
In a letter to Dwornik, Robinson suggests she apply her perfume after she gets off the bus.
"We're trying to work toward a positive solution," said Robinson.
"There is nowhere on the bus that says, 'Scent-free,'" retorts Dwornik.
That will change this year when Transit pastes stickers reminding passengers that buses are considered scent-free workplaces, said Robinson."
Read more in The Vancouver Sun...
It is however not only happening in Saskatoon. The stinky-bus syndrome also struck in September 2009 in Honolulu,
"It doesn't matter if it's body odor or offensive fumes that emanates from clothes, personal belongings or animals.
Councilmen Rod Tam and Nestor Garcia co-sponsored the anti-odor bill.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Hawaii says it is concerned with laws that are inherently vague, which opens the door to discriminatory enforcement based on an officer's individual prejudices."
Read more at MSNBC...
And here is a video about the typical situation of the stinky bus,
If there is one thing that I find more obnoxious than stench - human or otherwise - is double standards. I see that intolerance is bad only depending on what or whom said intolerance is directed at. Perfume is the latest victim of politically-correct intolerance, or as some would say, "acceptable intolerance." Everybody is a hot-house flower these days. Everybody is allergic. Everybody is a walking case of sinusitis. Boo-hoo-hoo. Big Brother has found one more pleasure he has the power to deprive people of. I was a victim of hot-house flower syndrome at three different jobs I had. Of the three, only ONE person was genuinely allergic to perfume. The other two just complained that it "bothered" them. And when I remonstrated, they suddenly became terminally allergic. This politically-correct form of intolerance stinks (pun intended) of class-envy, among other things. Perfume is, and always has been, equated with luxury, glamour, etc. Oh, dear! Can't have that! This has nothing to do with certain people's "delicacy" and everything to do with the power of imposing their will on others under the excuse of "health issues." Intolerance is intolerance is intolerance. Period. Oh, and for the record. Tolerance is a two-way road. I HATE bodily odors. I cannot tolerate people who don't bathe and don't wear deodorant. Sue me.
I have a perfume intolerance. They cannot call it an allergy because it cannot be medically proven.
For it to be medically proven, we would have to know exactly which specific chemical or chemicals in the perfume is causing the reaction.
In order to test for the chemicals, all ingredients in all perfumes would have to be listed.
The perfume industry is regulated and they do not have to list any of the over 130 different chemicals in the perfumes they manufacture.
It would also be extremely expensive if the healthcare system had to test each person to "prove" they have an allergy to one or more of the ingredients.
Now, we are supposed to be a civilized society.
If you know someone who has an allergy or intolerance to perfume/cologne, why would you even consider wearing it around them?
If you knew you could be causing a migraine, asthma attack or even a headache in another human being, would you continue to wear it?
If you have been told more than once that you are a perfume offender, is it possible you are wearing too much? Too much is too much.
Perfume is considered classy if it is worn with sophistication. Just a little that can only be smelled up close and personal.
If you smell like you dumped half a bottle on, you just smell and un-refined.
A man or woman with class cannot be smelled 10 feet away, regardless of the odour.
The bottom line -