8 New Upcoming Books on Smell {Fragrant Readings} {Fragrance News}

The upcoming months, from May to September 2010 will see the release of no less than 8 new books focusing on the sense of smell. Is it still the most neglected of the senses? It seems that an evolution is taking place, largely in the English-language world for this cycle and that the answer needs to be qualified now. The movement is strongly didactic in tone - which is a public confession that sleeves need to be rolled up to educate our noses better and earlier on as the output is aimed in great part at children, the future of society.
From this crop of new tomes, no less than 6 are dedicated to the education of young noses as the age target is said to be from 4 to 8 years old. There are regularly new books for children emphasizing the sense of smell, but the harvest is particularly bountiful this time.
One book addresses the issue of anosmia, a topic that has been popular in the media. Another one is about the interrelationship between smell, but also taste, feel, look, action, and sexuality...
• Jennifer Frantz is the author of What's that Smell? (2,91€) in the I Can Read series featuring Sid the Science Kid, Harper Festival, 32 p., (May 2010).
• Jennifer Boothroyd signs What is Smell? (6,67€) in the collection Lightning Bolt Books: Your Amazing Body, Lerner Books, 32 p. (July 2010).
• Margaret Hyde writes a story for children entitled Mo Smells Blue: A Scentsational Journey (13,12€), Mo's Nose, LLC, 24 p. (June 2010). Illustrations are by Amanda Gicacomini. The book features a Press 2 Experience technology to encourage interactivity.
• How Smell Works (15,61€) by Sally Morgan is published by PowerKids PR, 24 p. (15 August 2010).
• I Smell Sing and Read (16,66€) is by Joann Cleland, Rourke Publishing, 24 p. (August 2010).
• Rebecca Rissman composes a bilingual didactic book for children in both Spanish and English entitled El Olfato / Smelling (4,38€), Heinemann Educational Books, 24 p. (September 2010).
• The experience of temporary anosmia is addressed from a memoir angle by horticulturist Bonnie Blodgett in Remembering Smell: A Memoir-of-Losing-and-Discovering-the-Primal-Sense, (US$ 16,20 / 17,54€) Houghton Miflin Harcourt, 256 p. (June 2010).
• Sharon Dr. Moalem looks at sexuality from an evolutionary perspective and includes, inevitably, the sense of smell in his account entitled How Sex Works: Why We Look, Smell, Taste, Feel and Act the Way We Do (10€), Harper Perennial, 288 p. (May 2010).