Monday Morning Bouquet of Readings {Fragrance & Beauty Reads}

The Beauty Beat:
• The First USA National Beard & Moustache Championships
• The Lipstick that Won't Quit: L'Oréal Infaillible / Never Fail
• Marion Cotillard Plays in Humorous Anti Sexual Harassment Commercial
Trend to Watch:
• The Eau de Cologne Reaches New Depths...
(New column after the jump: What Smells in Paris)

Upcoming Launch to Watch:
• La Cologne du Parfumeur by Guerlain
Upcoming Articles:
• A Report on the Etat Libre d'Orange party for the Tilda Swinton perfume in French and English by guest writer Yasmine.
• An article on a chapter of the history of Jicky by Guerlain
Recent Review:
• Like This, Tilda Swinton
From the Archives:
• Les Fleurs de Guildo and Jicky by Guerlain: An Early 19th Century Precursor of Marine Scents & a Reexamination of Jicky's Gender
What Smells in Paris?
• The other day the metro train was stuck on a bridge in between two stations because someone inadvertently pulled the alarm (I'm being polite, some of the Parisians were #&!!?... not happy). Someone had the good idea to pull out some eucalyptus, either as a sweet or a little purse spray, it was quite diffusive and the car and the spirits in there were instantly refreshed (mine at least.)
What can I say, power to perfume.