Singer Rihanna Turns to the Fans and Internet for Help in Choosing Perfume Name

A perfume name can make or break a new fragrance or at least this is what one can assume singer Rihanna is thinking as she has been looking assiduously for a good fragrance name and casting her net wide to do so. Jennifer Aniston is currently doing the same thing but relying more on her inner circle.
Initially tempted by Route 22 (Rihanna is 22 years old) she's decided to turn to fans and the internet for feedback. And they have heard her. After reading about her creative block reported by a source who said,
"Although Rihanna wanted to call it Route 22, she is now unsure and is keen to see what fans can come up with."... decided to open a thread entitled "Choose the name for Rihanna's perfume" for input and have now decided to close it after more than 1600 comments were added.
The submissions range from sedate and safe as for "Elle", "Chance", "Pleasure", which may not really please Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel and Estée Lauder, to a bevy of names evoking sexuality, violence and domination such as "Lust", "The R Zone", "Rated X", "RIHSEXUALITY", "Revolve R", "RIH-Domination", "Bad Gal" and more.
Another semantic field is that of secrecy, danger and mystery with "SECRET ROUTE", "BEHIND THE MASK", "hidden secrets", 'Love Confessions", "Dangerous Affair", "Dangerous Delight", "Sweet Hypnosis" etc. It appears to be a reference to her tempestuous relationship with Chris Brown which also probably gave birth to the unexpectedly Zen-sounding "A Snap of Silence."
A dark, black theme is also apparent with: "REINA NEGRA", Black Pearl", "Elegance of Midnight", "Dark Angel", "Burning Rose", "Fairy of the Barbados", "Darkness R."
Its counterpart is a shiny, bedazzling theme: "SHINE", "Barbadian Diamond", "Shine Like A Star", "Studz & Diamondz", "Sunlight", "Sparkling Angel", "Starlight R."
You quickly get a sense of the complexity of the personality of Rihanna who can also inspire names such as "Innocent Eyes", "Such a Lady", "Sensitive Rock", "Dream."
About the jus itself the R & B singer promises it was designed to be a man-magnet,
"I've been right there with a chemist mixing the formulas. I wanted this to be the fragrance no man can resist - and it is!"Also via Breaking News
Heard on the grapevine that Rihanna is going to be the star in the remake of the Last Dragon. She will play the part of Laura Charles. Word on the rumor mill is also that Rihanna is considering the role of an angel in the Drew-Barrymore produced Charlie's Angels, which is making a comeback for a 3rd installment.