Jean Kerléo to Lecture on François Coty, the Father of Modern Perfumery, April 17, 2010 {Scented Paths & Fragrant Addresses}

Some of the legendary perfumes which will be presented and which have been faithfully reconstituted are "l'Ambre Antique, La Rose Jacqueminot, l'Origan, le Chypre, l'Emeraude, et d'autres tels l'Aimant, A Suma."
A film on François Coty will be shown.
Reservations need to be made at 01 39 55 46 99 or at A few slots are still available. Children can attend from age 12.
"Tarifs : 15€/adulte et 10€/enfant, étudiants, membre SAO et groupe à partir de 10 personnes
Lieu: 36 rue du Parc de Clagny - 78000 Versailles"
Photo credit: François Coty and his wife Yvonne, source unknown