Salon Zen in Paris, 30 September - 4 October 2010 {Scented Paths & Fragrant Addresses} {Beauty Notes}

The annual trade show consecrated to the Zen art of living simply called Salon Zen will open its doors to the public in Paris for its 23rd edition from Thursday September 30th to Monday October 4th, 2010. 340 exhibitors are expected to attend this year. A series of conferences will take place on issues of personal and inter-personal development. Meditation workshops are organized.
The premice behind the show is that happiness can be learned rather than be a spontaneous happening or the result of improvisation.
Two sections include a number of participating aromatherapy and beauty brands...
"Aromathérapie Elixirs" regroups 22 alternative labels which propose a therapeutic approach to perfumery. Besides better-known brands such as Les Fleurs de Bach one finds labels which use the properties of minerals to extract lithotherapeutic elixirs.
It is a return to an alchemical and curative tradition in perfumery which never completely left the scene despite the strong hedonistic and aspirational slant that modern perfumery has come to represent. Organic brands are also present.
"Beauté Soins Visage Corps Cheveux" lists niche beauty labels which draw inspiration from Oriental traditions such as Ayurveda but also less well-known Amerindian ones as with the range created by Guayapi.
Edible beauty is considered and if you wish, you can go have a taste of organic mare's milk to benefit your complexion .
Location: Espace Champerret in the 17th arrondissement of Paris<