Royal Wedding Tweets {Fashion Notes}
The latest styles and news bites from the Royal Wedding:
8:29 am
Second kiss breached with tradition of a unique kiss for the nation. Let's face it, this is right now the greatest peep-show on earth.
8:27 am
The kiss happened! Very brief!...
7:45 am
Protocol says that the newly weds' kiss at the balcony at Buckingham Palace is scheduled for 8:45 am. It's a tradition since the marriage of Lady Diana Spencer with the Prince of Wales.
7:40 am
Adding a gustatory note to say that Queen Elizabeth II's favorite cocktail is Dubonnet aperitif poured in a cup of tea. The Queen does not like to eat in public and this is all she will allow herself to ingest today at the lunch buffet.
7:07 am
The wedding is ending and one cannot help but think that Kate's most dazzling feature is her smile. Hollywood moment now with the London bells pealing away.
6:45 am
The gentle slope that the dress makes in the front does look more Renaissance-like and creates very harmonious lines when a bride needs to kneel down in front of 2 billion viewers.
6:44 am
The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge are now facing the altar for the prayers. The greenery above it arranged by Shane Connolly and the National Association of Flower Arranging Societies is lovely.

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Picture via Huffington Post