Prada Candy Fronted by Léa Seydoux of La Belle Personne (2011) {New Fragrance} {Celebrity-Endorsed Perfume}

Prada_candy_lea_seydoux.jpgPrada will launch a new feminine perfume called Candy from August 2011 whose face is young French actress Léa Seydoux known for her role in The Beautiful Person (La Belle Personne), a remake of the classic 17th century love story novel by Madame de la Fayette, La princesse de Clèves.

Leaving the more restrained atmosphere of the Prada Infusion series (see Infusion d'Iris), the new fragrance is meant to please a woman who is "excessive, impulsive and passionate."...



The composition, while advertizing notes that sound familiar enough, if not trivial, such as caramel and white musks, promises to reveal a "novel olfactory balance" thanks reportedly to its method of using overdoses of exceptionally qualitative materials.

The perfume is said to weave the nobility of vanillic benzoin with the modern and playful touch brought by caramel - a reference to carefree youth - and the white musks are meant to create an effect of powdery elegance. 

Like the perfume, the bottle mixes classic perfumery cues - the half-moon cap - with energetic, juvenile touches such as the shocking pink ribbon. Léa Seydoux, if you don't know her, can be quickly discovered in this creative commercial for Levi's which apparently is inspired by yet another literary classic, Les liaisons dangereuses,

Via Paris Match

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