"Therefore, to be possess'd with double pomp, To guard a title that was rich before, To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, To throw a perfume on the violet, To smooth the ice, or add another hue Unto the...
On Valentine's Day 2012, a somewhat playfully whimsical thought occurs to me. Yesterday I was perusing through a few books containing recipes of aphrodisiacs as I was searching for some information on sandalwood, my Valentine's Day note of choice for...
En ce jour de la Saint Valentin 2012, une pensée un peu mutine me vient: j'ai lu hier quelques ouvrages contenant des recettes aphrodisiaques car je recherchais des renseignements sur le santal, ma note de la Saint Valentin pour cette...
Jennifer Lopez will launch her latest fragrance called Glowing this spring 2012 to fête the 10th anniversary of Glow, the scent that revolutionized the celebrity-perfume market in the beginnning of the 21st century. Even if White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor...
Jennifer Lopez lancera son tout dernier parfum ce printemps avec Glowing, 10 ans après Glow, le parfum qui révolutionna le marché du parfum de célébrité en ce début du 21ème siècle. En effet, même si White Diamonds de Elizabeth Taylor...
Hermès will offer a new version of their 2010 release, Voyage, this 2012 springtime. For now, all that has filtered is that the juice sees its base notes gain in depth in the range of ambery and woody notes. The...
The latest opus by Etat Libre d'Orange, the Parisian perfume house with an itch for irreverence has been suavely baptized Bijou Romantique (Romantic Jewel) (I almost wrote "Bisou (Kisu) Romantique" which would have been very cute, you have to admit)...
Givenchy Parfums are launching a new fragrance this spring 2012 with Very Irresistible Electric Rose. The new scent includes notes of blueberry and aniseed on a backdrop of velvety musks, we learn. Liv Tyler, the muse for the Very Irresistible...
As we mentioned it the other day when proposing a selection of the best of rose fragrances for Valentine's Day 2012, we noticed that the re-edition of Fifi Chachnil in its eau de toilette variant for Le Club des Créateurs...
Yves Rocher, the leader in feminine fragrances in France according to Kantar Worldpanel Usage (12 months in December of 2010), will launch a new collection of three fragrances in April 2012 dedicated to capturing the delicate and fresh scents of...
A sculpture by / une sculpture de Jean-Jacques Pradier Chloris caressée par Zéphyr (1849): And an anecdote plus a poem both by poet Théodore de Banville about "The Woman with Roses", the inspiration behind the sculpture (apocryphal source suspected) and...
Ladurée Beauté, the beauty arm of the temple of delights that is pastry-maker Ladurée, have launched a new fragrance for the home centering on the carnation flower. It's called Sérénade and is available both in decorative candle form and in...
With Valentine's day right around the corner, roses, especially red ones, seem to exert a magnetic pull on one's psyche. It is like the three drops of ruby red blood which suddenly fell onto the white snow in a medieval...
There is a flash sale at Le Club des Créateurs de Beauté going on today. Rose-perfume fiends can add one more rose fragrance to their collection and purchase French designer Agnès B Eau de Parfum à la Rose in a...
Perfumer Jean-Paul Guerlain, the last nose of the Guerlain family, will be facing the court on Thursday February 9th 2012 for a racial incident that was broadcast on television on October 15th 2010. He interjected some remarks using the N...