Happy May the 1st! Happy Muguet Day!


May the 1st in France is celebrated with bouquets of lily of the valley or "muguet" in French. The tradition dates back to the Renaissance period and Charles IX - the son of Catherine of Medicis - who being once chamed by the flower, decided to carry on offering lily of the valley to the ladies of the court after a one-time inspiration...

There were muguet vendors everywhere in Paris this morning: gypsies, Red Cross, brick-and-mortar florists. People were carrying them in their shopping bags, on their bikes, on motorbikes. It was the most important order of the day. On one street, the usually discreet scent of muguet filled the air thanks to a clement wind. Paris in the spring was going on full speed.

My shopping tip of the day for those who are following this calendar is to go for potted muguet as the smell is more complex since it includes better the fresh, green, sappy scent of the leaves as well as a hint of dirt.

Happy May the 1st! Stay tuned for our suprise Muguet perfume review.

Meanwhile you can read or re-read:

Don't Get Me Wrong Baby, I Don't Swallow

Penhaligon's Lily of the Valley

Nicolaï Weekend à Deauville

Guerlain Muguet

What Perfume is Worn to Get into Character in Downton Abbey

Spring Notes: Lily of the Valley and Christian Dior

Perfume History & Facts: Muguet by Guerlain

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