Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon Collection for Breast Cancer Awareness Month Adds a Touch of Blue for Men {Fragrance News - New Packaging} {Beauty Notes}
Like each year, Estée Lauder cos. have launched a new Pink Ribbon Collection meant to raise awareness about breast cancer in the early stages of its development to promote higher chances of survival. Before we turn to the full range of products which help raise money for the cause, we wanted to publish the following scheme to show different signs that indicate you might have breast cancer. It's not always a tumor that you can feel. It can be a spot, or a depression in the skin commonly called "dimpling"...
It's important to check for multiple possible signs of breast cancer.
The brand added a touch of blue to the feminine vanity items in a show of support to men as statistics show that 1% of men are affected by the disease.
Evelyn Lauder, who passed away two years ago, is the force behind the Pink Ribbon initiative. 100% of the proceeds go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
For some reason the company determined that the prices would be sometimes much higher in the European Community. Ultimately though, it all goes to scientific research.
"BCRF is an independent, not-for-profit organization that was founded in 1993 by Evelyn H. Lauder to fund the most promising breast cancer research worldwide. It's [sic] mission: prevention and a cure within our lifetime. For more information about BCRF visit"
The items in the Pink Ribbon Collection include a compact filled with Pleasures in solid perfume form ($49,50/139€); the Pink Ribbon Lip Collection ($29,50/35€); the Pink Ribbon Jeweled Pin ($12,50/15€); Advanced Night Repair with a Pink Ribbon key chain ($92/118€). The Jeweled Pin aims to be best support for public awareness.
In France, the proceeds are reversed to the association "Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en!"