New Book Looks at the Birth of the Modern French Fragrance Industry in the 19th Century {Fragrant Readings}


A new French book entitled "La fabrique des parfums : naissance d'une industrie de luxe" by Eugénie Briot looks at the birth of the modern fragrance industry in France in the last decades of the 19th century...

The author has previously published articles derived from her PhD dissertation. This is the sum of her work meant for a larger educated public.

According to publisher Editions Vendémiaire, the main argument of the book centers on the passage from aristocratic practices revolving around perfume to the popularization of fragrances in the bourgeoisie at the end of the 19th century when it becomes an established sign of social distinction, an analysis which reprises a famous sociological study by Pierre Bourdieu.

Parallel to this social practice where Paris becomes an arbiter of tastes, takes place the birth of a modern French perfume industry.

Rose, violet and heliotrope fragrances scent the fashionable places of the time. Piver, Houbigant, Guerlain ou Bourjois are the names of the day adorning the windows of the new department stores.

La Fabrique des parfums
Naissance d'une industrie de luxe
Eugénie BRIOT

ISBN : 978-2-36358-175-4

Prix : 24 €
416 pages

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