Wisteria Hysteria ≈ Crazy Paris {Paris Street Photo}
Wisteria Hysteria ≈ Crazy Paris © CHANT WAGNER 2016
As Paris is experiencing a record level of rains, enough to make you forget what a sunny day looks like, I went back to some photos taken earlier this spring including this one in which the sun never shone brighter, nor felt more amused at the whimsy which lays before its rays...
In a corner of the Vieux Paris, you can see, when in season, a rapturous riot of wisterias. They actually look almost hysterical and too-much. Even more so in other pictures. Add a few birds to the mix and humans looking a bit like extra-terrestrial beings when wearing sunglasses, and it's a moment of, not Gay Paris, but Crazy Paris, as in a « crazy patchwork » - but also as in "quirky".
Of course, Wisterias smell absolutely enchanting, filled as they are with purple indoles.