Film Review of La La Land La La Land by Damien Chazelle (2016) released in 2017 in France, opens on a close-up of a dancer, who purposefull and consciously in non-post-racial America was chosen for her brown skin and...
(Click on the horizontal images for a larger view) Until February 20, 2016 you can go visit a new installation and exhibition entitled "Er Xi, Air de Jeux" by Chinese artist Ai WeiWei created specifically for the interior architecture...
Chanel, the MuseThe book Notre Chanel (Our Chanel) by Jean Lebrun, newly published this year in April 2014 has been awarded the Prix Goncourt, one of the most prestigious literary prizes in France, in the category dedicated to biographies......
An article in The New Yorker calls attention to the ambiguity of irony in art, which helped veil the ideological affiliations of artist Charles Krafft. Now that they have come to light, people are outraged at having been duped....
A new chocolatier (chocolate-maker) opened around Easter time last spring in Paris, in the Odéon neighborhood. The name is Maison Georges Larnicol. Their chocolates are a cut above the rest so we can only recommend them warmly. We can still...
Seeing the latest announcement from Parfums de Coeur this morning in the mail box made you wonder why the industry is not a bit more low-key about trumpeting that they love fragrance copycats. But nope. Just look at this radiant...
While on the one hand a heightened awareness about allergies is encouraging more numerous bans on perfume in public spaces, on the other hand, more and more individuals are becoming aware that scent can add a deeper layer to existence....
The music piece by Parachutes, Paper Birds (please see/listen after the jump) made us think of how music can feel most like perfume. There is an impression of sensorial texture and near-overload of the senses which is akin to the...
A sculpture by / une sculpture de Jean-Jacques Pradier Chloris caressée par Zéphyr (1849): And an anecdote plus a poem both by poet Théodore de Banville about "The Woman with Roses", the inspiration behind the sculpture (apocryphal source suspected) and...
After announcing the new Fresh trio of fragrances inspired by Elizabeth Gilbert's bestselling book Eat, Pray, Love now adapted into a movie to debut August 13, 2010 and while watching the exclusive launch of My Life by Mary J Blige...
This is not really about perfume in a material sense - if it is ever really that - but rather perfume as an idea, a representation, at least in these preliminary stages. Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka was asked by Swarovski...
The perfume Infusion de Fleur d'Oranger by Prada, which was created by perfumer Daniela Andrier and launched in 2009 has been made part of an exhibit currently taking place at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. The exhibition is called Art...
Keeping Up with the Kardashians has nothing to do with Kim Kardashian perfume, yet everything to do with it. Reality TV is one of the passions of 21st century society and it is going to help create the publicity necessary...
First, it's true that there are many scented strips in US magazines. And apparently, this has led to a backlash from customers. As the magazine market is struggling to adapt to the new, more pluralist media scene, they thought it...
Comedian Jon Stewart covers the topic of the freed journalists from North Korea by focusing on Clinton. The skit includes a short segment on how to best apply cologne, P. Diddy's Unforgivable as it turns out, presented here as a...