Scented Quote of the Day Archives

Scented Quote of the Day, from Jacques-Henri Lartigue:
"Je suis triste de ne pouvoir photographier les odeurs. J'aurais voulu, hier, photographier celles de l'armoire à épicerie de grand-mère.""I feel sad not to be able to photography aromas. I would have liked, yesterday, to photography those from grand-mother's spice...

Scented Quote of the Day, from Celine Lheritier: Why Functional Perfumery is Cool
Ten years after having graduated from the school of perfumery ISIPCA, young perfumer Céline Lhéritier now at Colgate remembers how she fell in love with her chosen specialty:"A l'époque la parfumerie fonctionnelle était peu mise en avant, pourtant elle m'attirait...

Scented Quote of the Day, from a 13th Century French Poem:
Le livre des propriétés des choses de Barthélémy l'Anglais, XVème siècleThe orchard was as beautiful as one could wish for:In it all sorts of plants were growingthat I would be most incapable of naming to you;but I can tell...

Scented Quote of the Day, from Herve This: About Note a Note Numero Un
Herve This, a chemist specialist of molecular gastronomy, described what he calls the first molecular dish composed note by note, signed by his friend chef Pierre Gagnaire in Hong Kong in April 2009. It is dubbed Note à Note Numéro...

Interview with Perfumer Francis Kurkdjian: 2 Scented Quotes of the Day on Perfume and Emotion
Jacqueline Kennedy at JFK funeral by Andy WarholPerfumer Francis Kurkdjian whose work you might know through Le Male, Fleur du Male, Classique, or Gaultier2 by Jean Paul Gaultier, when asked about the relationship between cuisine and perfume and his conception...

Scented Quote of the Day, from Robert Louis Stevenson:
"It is a golden maxim to cultivate the garden for the nose, and the eyes will take care of themselves."...

Scented Quote of the Day, from Karl Lagerfeld:
"On this day each year, I soak the previous year's calendar in my mother's favorite perfume and then set it ablaze. Here's to a fresh start."Twittered on January 1st, 2009Photo credit: karllagerfeld.com...

Scented Quote of the Day, from Perfumer Laurent Le Guernec:
Marguerite Duras -- Academy Awards both © Richard Avedon Who Created This, I or Us? The perfume industry is struggling with official definitions of authorship. Compared with the movie industry which is much more mature on this topic, I...

Scented Quote of the Day, from Colette: On Peonies
"Here they are, they've come, those peonies you say smell like a rose, themselves the forerunners of the earliest rose. Give them plenty of water, these gorgeous corollas, which indeed have something of the rose about them, something, but not...

Scented Quote of the Day, from Serge Lutens:
"WHAT INSPIRES YOU FOR YOUR WORK?I believe that from the age of eight everything is done--that is to say, everything is filed away. The rest is to be remembered. After this age of reason...what we have seen, what we have...

Scented Quote of the Day, from Justin Timberlake:
Singer Justin Timberlake speaks during the 23rd annual American Cinematheque show honoring Samuel L. Jackson held at Beverly Hilton Hotel on December 1, 2008 in Beverly Hills, California. So we know Justin Timberlake does not like the idea of having...

The Anti-Perfume-Celeb Trend by Celebs - Scented Quote of the Day, from Emma Watson:
After the surge of shamelessly self-promoting, attention-seeking celebs - the most numerous contingent, apparently - we get to hear from the less egotistical ones, apparently. The other day Justin Timberlake said he couldn't dream of making a celebrity perfume bearing...

Scented Quote of the Day, from Justin Timberlake:
In Berlin on July 1, 2009 for the presentation of William Rast at the Bread & Butter fashion trade show.Asked if he would develop a Justin Timberlake fragrance, the singer answered in the context of a wave of celebrity fragrances...

Scented Quote of the Day, from Bocaccio:
"Without permitting anyone else to lay a hand on him, the lady herself washed Salabaetto all over with soap scented with musk and cloves. She then had herself washed and rubbed down by the slaves. This done, the slaves brought...