The Smell of Monsieur Kaplan's Bookstore One of the most characteristic smells of my childhood that I can recall distinctively from an early age is that of the strange aroma which permeated the now defunct bookstore of "Monsieur Kaplan" located...
"Au milieu de l'hiver, j'apprenais enfin qu'il y avait en moi un été invincible." - Albert Camus "In the middle of winter, I was finally learning that in me lived an invincible summer." - Albert Camus (Our translation) The...
Poiret Perfumery / Parfumerie PoiretThe Way of Perfume-Counter HoppingA perfume blogger is bound to follow the industry launch rhythms. Once in a while, it's good to go back to the basics by engaging in perfume counter hopping. In the...
How do you create the kind of dynamic of interest you can create when issuing a new fragrance flanker, yet without launching a material one?Instead, you can turn to a deeper truth about perfume, which is exactly what the...
The goddess Strenia, the goddess of New Year's gifts is the one offering a crown and a mantle to a man* January 9, 2014 - Having taken the first steps on the faintly echoing scented trail left by the...
Circe Invidiosa by Waterhouse - Circe is the goddess of plants, drugs and charms When researching new ways to celebrate the dawning of a New Year with scent besides wearing golden-haloed perfumes and ones making you think of Champagne,...