Sunday, 11 January 2015 By Chant Wagner We Are Charlie Children {Paris Photos} A little girl waving a Je Suis Charlie sign from high up a traffic post © 2015 Chantal-Hélène Wagner The involvement of children was one of the remarkable aspects of today's walk for Republican unity (Marche républicaine) in Paris....
Tuesday, 6 January 2015 By Chant Wagner 2014, Year of the Selfie Stick ~ Happy New Year 2015 {Scented Thoughts} {Paris Photo} 2014, Year of the Selfie Stick © 2014 Chantal-Hélène Wagner Dear Readers, Let us present you with our best wishes for a discerning and fragrant year ahead. Fragrance can be a source of great pleasure when added to your...
Monday, 5 January 2015 By Chant Wagner Talking by the Seine at Night {Paris Photo} Conversation au bord de la Seine, la nuit ~ Talking by the Seine at Night © 2014 Chantal-Hélène Wagner...
Friday, 2 January 2015 By Chant Wagner Cacharel Catch Me...(2012): An Olfactory Epiphany {Perfume Review & Musings} {Paris Photo} As the day of the Epiphany nears - just four days away - I wanted to call attention to designer fragrance Catch Cacharel which was released in 2012. It is a composition by one of the stalwarts of...
Thursday, 1 January 2015 By Chant Wagner Orange-Colored Perfumes for a New Year {Ask Chantal-Hélène} {Paris Photo} {Perfume List} Family Diptych I - © 2014 Chantal-Hélène Wagner The idea for this perfume article was born not because "Orange is the New Black," a TV series I haven't watched and don't intend to, but because the color orange has...
Saturday, 6 December 2014 By Chant Wagner Hermès Rose Amazone (2014): From Hokusai Manga to Video-Game Mangas {Perfume Review & Musings} {Paris Photo} The latest launch by Hermès is an exercise in perfumery acrobatics & a study...
Wednesday, 26 November 2014 By Chant Wagner A Stroll at the Luxembourg {Perfume & Images} {Paris Photo} Yesterday, the Luxembourg was redolent of horse chestnut trees smell, but what caught my eye was the Ginkgo tree......
Saturday, 22 November 2014 By Chant Wagner Lolita Lempicka Sweet (2014): Fashioning Young Women through Fragrancing {Perfume Short (Review)} {Paris Photo} Lolita Lempicka wanted to hit the sweet spot of transitioning from childhood to womanhood...
Tuesday, 18 November 2014 By Chant Wagner Knowledge + Love Sets You Apart {Paris Photo} {Scented Thoughts} Continuing my exploration of urban smells and images...
Monday, 10 November 2014 By Chant Wagner The Moon and The Lights in Paris - In the Mood for Calvin Klein Euphoria {Perfume & Images} The Moon & the Lights in Paris, or 3-Ways Lights: from the sky, the cars speeding by in the traffic and the city lamp posts......
Friday, 24 October 2014 By Chant Wagner Flowers at Saint Etienne du Mont Church {Perfume Images} Visit to a church.