Wednesday, 25 May 2016 By Chant Wagner The Claws Come Out During the Blue, Electric Hour ≈ Les Pinces sortent durant l'heure bleue, électrique {Paris Street Photo} The Electric Blue Hour ≈ L'Heure bleue électrique © CHANT WAGNER 2016 You can take a romantic approach to capturing the blue hour in Paris, or you can interpret it your way......
Tuesday, 24 May 2016 By Chant Wagner The Escape ≈ La fuite {Paris Street Photograph} The Escape ≈ La fuite © CHANT WAGNER 2016 If France is publicly not very religious, it's nevertheless kept its churches as places to stroll in, but also as islands of quiet......
Thursday, 19 May 2016 By Chant Wagner The Passers-By of the Seine River ≈ Les passantes de la Seine / Lost, Invisible Perfumeries I {Paris Street Photo} The Passers-By of the Seine River ≈ Les passantes de la Seine / Lost, Invisible Perfumeries - I © CHANT WAGNER 2016 Lost, Invisible Perfumeries - I This picture I took on May 1st, 2016, on Muguet Day. I...
Monday, 16 May 2016 By Chant Wagner The House of God ≈ La maison de dieu / The Habitat of the Homeless in Paris II ≈ L' Habitat SDF à Paris II {Paris Street Photo} The House of God ≈ La maison de dieu © CHANT WAGNER 2016 With a persistent 21st century housing crisis, the church is going back to one of its more archaic features by providing an emergency shelter for the...
Saturday, 14 May 2016 By Chant Wagner A Horse Meat Butcher Shop ≈ Une boucherie chevaline {Paris Street Photo / Food} A Horse Meat Butcher Shop ≈ Une boucherie chevaline © CHANT WAGNER 2016 If you spot a butcher shop in Paris with a horse head sign, it will be one of the last 10 or so of its kind...
Friday, 13 May 2016 By Chant Wagner The Countryside in Paris ≈ La campagne à Paris {Paris Street Photo} The Countryside in Paris ≈ La campagne à Paris © CHANT WAGNER 2016 The phrase in French « La campagne à Paris », "the countryside in Paris", refers to the bucolic areas one can find in the capital city......
Friday, 6 May 2016 By Chant Wagner Chanel No.5 Fascination ≈ Fascination pour le No.5 de Chanel {Paris Street Photo} Chanel No.5 Fascination ≈ Fascination pour le No.5 de Chanel © CHANT WAGNER 2013 It's a day later, but better late than never. May the 5th is known to be the birthday of a perfume, No.5 by Chanel. As...
Wednesday, 4 May 2016 By Chant Wagner Star Wars for Eternity {Paris Street Photo} Star Wars for Eternity ≈ La Guerre des étoiles pour l'éternité © 2016 CHANT WAGNER Today is International Star Wars Day, #MayThe4thBeWithYou, and in honor of this momentous occasion, as well as in honor of some close quarters fans...
Monday, 2 May 2016 By Chant Wagner Lilac Bathed in White-Musk Light {Perfume Eye Candy} Lilac Bathed in White-Musk Light © 2016 CHANT WAGNER Muguet Day on May 1st, has increasingly become lilac day, thanks to the business of selling flowers on sidewalks that Roms in particular have developed. Other one-day entrepreneurs tend to...
Sunday, 1 May 2016 By Chant Wagner Jaywalking Lily of the Valley ≈ Le Muguet traverse au rouge {Paris Street Photo} Jaywalking Lily of the Valley ≈ Le Muguet traverse au rouge © 2016 CHANT WAGNER Can you smell the notes of muguet from here? The sea breeze coming from the mariner's vest? The asphalt on a Sunday morning?......
Wednesday, 27 April 2016 By Chant Wagner 36, Quai des Orfèvres I, II, III on April 27, 2016 {Paris Street Photo} 36, Quai des Orfèvres I © 2016 CHANT WAGNER - The press corps awaits for news of the once most wanted man in the world by the heavily armored BRI fourgon on April 27, 2016 On April 27, 2016,...
Tuesday, 5 April 2016 By Chant Wagner Immersive Cherry Tree ≈ L'immersion dans le cerisier {Paris Street Photo} Immersive Cherry Tree ≈ L'immersion dans le cerisier © 2016 CHANT WAGNER The inflorescence of the cherry blossoms is in progress to speed it up, you can add layers of petals, green leaves, black branches, blue, cerulean sky and...
Sunday, 20 March 2016 By Chant Wagner Happy 1st Day of Spring! Blue Trousers, Pink Skirts & Flowers on the Vernal Equinox {Paris Street Photography} {Fashion & Style Notes} A Thought for the Bees on the First Day of Spring © 2016 CHANT WAGNER Paris on the first day of spring 2016 is gray and pretty cold. Fortunately, some pink touches indicate that it's going to get better...
Friday, 18 March 2016 By Chant Wagner Lost Souls ≈ Les âmes perdues / The Habitat of the Homeless in Paris I ≈ l'Habitat SDF à Paris I {Paris Street Photography} Lost Souls ≈ Les âmes perdues / Series: The Habitat of the Homeless in Paris (I) ≈ Série : l'Habitat SDF à Paris (I ) © 2016 CHANT WAGNER What is hidden from plain view is the fact that...
Tuesday, 15 March 2016 By Chant Wagner The Taped Flowers ≈ Les fleurs scotchées ≈ 130 Street Photographs after the Paris Attacks {Paris Street Photo} The Taped Flowers - Les fleurs scotchées - 54/130 © 2016 CHANT WAGNER 130 Street Photographs after the Paris Attacks - 130 photographies de rue, après les attentats de Paris - In Memoriam Not even two months after the...